Single Check Rebates
(Rebates below are a limit of one unless otherwise noted)
Aquafresh Iso-active Toothpaste $3.49
Get a $1.50 Single Check Rebate #1
Plus, use the $1/1 coupon from here or here
Final cost $0.99!
V05 Shampoo or Conditioner 10 for $10
Get a $5 Single check Rebate #8 (on 10)
Use 3 $1/3 coupons from the Kmart coupon booklet
Final cost $0.20 per bottle!
Chemistry Shampoo, Conditioner or Stylers $6.99
Get a $3.50 Single Check Rebate #63
Final cost $3.49!
Boost Nutritional Drink (6 pk) $6.99
Get a $1 Single Check Rebate #33
Use the $2/1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Or from here
Final cost $3.99!
Proantinox (7.5 oz) $6.99
Get a $6.99 Single Check Rebate #23
Use the $3/1 Rite Aid Adperks coupon from here
Final cost FREE + a $3 moneymaker!
Huggies Baby Wipes tubs 64 ct, soft pk 40 ct, Wash Cloths 20 ct 2/$5
Get a $1 Single Check Rebate #40 (on 2)
Use 2 $2/1 Huggies Diaper Product coupons from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost 2 for FREE!
*HOT* Huggies Diaper Deal
Huggies Jumbo Pack Diapers, Pull Ups or GoodNites 3/$33
Get a $10 Single Check Rebate #4
Coupons available:
$2/1 Pull Ups from the 8/16SS or from here: IE or Firefox
$2/1 GoodNites from the 8/23SS or $1 coupon from here
$2/1 Huggies Overnite diapers from here
$3/1 Huggies Pure & Natural diapers from here or here
$2/1 ANY Huggies Diaper Product from here: IE or Firefox
$2/1 Huggies Supreme or Pure & Natural Jumbo Packs or higher from here
(This is a Rite Aid Ad Perks store coupon--get friends and family to sign up for this program and they can share the additional coupons they don't want with you!)
**There is also a FREE Huggies vouchers you may have from a Single Check Rebate that was available last month.
Deal Scenarios:
Buy 3 Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers for $33
Use the $5 off $25 coupon from Rite Aid Ad Perks
Use 3 $3/1 coupons from here
Plus, use 3 $2/1 Rite Aid Ad Perks coupons
Pay $13
Get back a $10 Single Check Rebate
Final cost ONLY $1 per package!
(Thanks, ForTheMommas!)
**If you're worried about using that many Ad Perks coupons in one transaction, then you'll definitely want to check out the post Shannon over at ForTheMommas has here. She actually took the time to go to 2 separate stores and discuss with 2 different managers if this was allowed. I was pleasantly surprised to hear what they had to say!
Buy 2 Huggies Supreme Jumbo packs of diapers $11 each=$22
Use the $5 off $20 Rite Aid Perks coupon
Use the FREE Diaper voucher coupon (if you have it)
Use one of the $2/1 Huggies coupons from above
Use two $2/1 Huggies Rite Aid Ad perks coupon
Pay tax--if you don't have the free voucher coupon, then just use an additional $2/1 coupon from above. Instead of just tax, you'll have to pay $9.
Then do this transaction...
Buy 1 package of Huggies Pull Ups $11
Buy 1 Proantinox $6.99
Buy 6 Reeses Peanut Butter Cups on sale buy one at $0.88, get one FREE
Use the $5 off $20 Rite Aid Ad Perks coupon
Use $3/1 Proantinox Rite Aid Ad Perks coupon
Use the $2/1 Pull Ups coupon from above
Use 6 $0.55/1 Reese's coupons from the 8/23SS
Pay $7.33
BUT then get back a $10 Single check Rebate for the Huggies purchased and a $6.99 Rebate for the Proantinox! Final cost all of the above FREE + a $9+ moneymaker! If you don't have the free Huggies voucher coupon, then your final cost for all the above will still be FREE with a few cents in overage too!
(Thanks, IHeartSavingMoney!)
**Let us know if you've cooked up any great deal scenarios in the comment section! If you have a blog, then feel free to leave a link!
Other Great Deals
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups buy one at $0.88 get one FREE
Use 2 $0.55/1 coupons from the 8/23SS
Final cost 2 for FREE + overage!
**There's also buy one get one free coupons in the 8/23SS (they're only up to a value of $0.79)
Mentos Gum $0.99
Use the $0.55/1 or $1/1 from the 6/21, 8/16 or 9/13SS
(the value depends on your region)
Final cost as low as FREE!
Nabisco Cookies & Crackers (4-8 oz) $0.99
Use the $0.75/2 coupon from the 8/23SS
Final cost just $0.62 per package!
Nestle Pure Life Water 24 pk $3.88
Use the $0.50/1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost $3.38!
**Don't forget about the Nestle Pure Life Rewards program too!
Clean & Clear products 2/$9
Use the $2/1 Clean & Clear coupons from here: IE or Firefox
Plus, use the $3/1 Rite Aid Ad perks coupon
Final cost FREE + $0.50 in overage!
Tag Body Spray buy one get one 50% off
Use the buy one get one free coupon from the 8/30PG
Plus, use the $2/1 coupon from the 8/2PG
Final cost possibly 2 for FREE!
Revlon Cosmetics buy one get one free
Use two $1/1 coupons from the 9/13SS
Final cost ?
G.E. Extra Soft White Light Bulbs (4 pk)-starting at 2/$4
Use the $3/2 in ad coupon
Final cost $0.50 per 4 pack!
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