The awesome Sears $10 off $10 coupon is available to use starting today, 9/15! If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the recap:
If you have a subscription to Seventeen magazine (and even if you don't), on the inside front cover of the October issue is a coupon for $10 off ANY Juniors Apparel purchase at Sears, valid starting Tuesday, September 15th-November 14th! The best part--there's also a printable coupon available here that everyone can use!
As you can see, this coupon has NO minimum purchase requirement, so that means $10 in FREE apparel! Wow! This coupon can also be used on clearance or sale items too, so you should be able to get some sweet deals! I'm guessing we''ll be able to snag FREE socks, underwear, sleepwear, tops & More!
If you don't have a Sears nearby or would rather shop online, you can use this coupon code 17SEARSAPPAREL for $10 off any $10 Juniors Apparel purchase! Just go on over here and scroll through all the juniors apparel they have available. You can also check out all the juniors clearance here.
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